Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Brown
I am Cynthia Macalina and I love to read books. Big books, little books but my favriotes are my books about me and my best friend Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Brown was our school librarian. She always put her hair in a athletic pony tail. She would dye her hair pink for crazy hair day and she would wear her pink leapord print pjs to school (sometimes not on pj day!) on pj day. On my first day of school in kindergarten we went to the library. I went right up to the big kid books and picked out the thickest book I could find and carry. I set it down on Mrs. Browns desk and said "I am Cynthia Macalina and I like to read books. Big books, little books but my favriotes are my books about me." Mrs. Brown smiled. "Im sure you will like the library. It is full of big books and little books. But maybe you could give us some books about you. Then we would have all the books you would like." "That would be stupendous!" I said saying the biggest word I knew. And once she stamped my book I sat down on a stool and started reading silently. "We are learning how to read in the library." said my teacher Mrs. Minkle. "No thank you. I already know how." I said. "You have to learn to read to get out of kindergarten." she said. I started reading Moby Dick to her. From then on I read with Mrs. Brown. She was tall and had brown eyes and hair and when my class would come in I would wave and she would wave back and smile. When I would walk past her to grab my book I wouldnt say a word. But when I would go and pick up my big kid book and take it over to her to stamp she would say "Cynthia Macalina." like I was in trouble "yes." I would always reply "How has life been treating you?" "Mrs. Brown, life has been treatin' me awsome! How bout' you?" she would smile and shake her head."Gonna' be gone next year, gonna' be gone." I never knew it but she was talking about for good. She would check me out and I would say "Thank you Mrs. Brown" in my cutesy tootesy voice and she would laugh and give me a hug. Then she would walk around the counter and sit down with me. She would listen to my fluent reading as she would act astounded I would smile. We would be happy. That all ended in second grade. I walked like I normally do but I didnt see Mrs. Brown. What I did see was Mrs. Gray. I walked over to the big kid books and was just about to pick up Oliver Twist when she hobbled over to me and said "You can not read those big books. They are for big kids only." and she picked me up partially and dragged me off to story time. They were learningh to read words like their and here and there. I sat in the corner. Everything looked gray. Mrs. Gray had gray hair and a straight down gray dress and my usually colorful friend Tina was gray all over! My life is coming to an end and there was Oliver Twist in Mrs. Grays evil clutches. "Why me?" I moaned. "What?" asked Mrs. Gray sharply. "I didnt say anything" I lied. I made sure to show my hate through those words. The next day I went past the library and saw Mrs. Brown! I ran over to her and gave her a hug. "What happened to you?" she asked. "Mrs. Gray." I awnsered. " I didnt want you to have Mrs. Gray, I wanted you to have Mrs. Pink! She must have gotten mixed up!" We laughed. I told her about what happened and she checked out Oliver Twist. I wrote her that story about me. Except one part. I changed my introduction to "I am Cynthia Macanali and I love to read books. Big books, little books but my favriotes are books about me and my best friend Mrs. Brown. The best librarian ever!
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