21 Things Of Hope, See Clearly Through The Storm
21 Things Of Hope
See Clearly Through The Storm
- Listen to your favorite song, Right Through You by Alanis Morissette is a great song, you can listen to some of her songs on http://alanis.com
- Think about the good things in your life
- Pet a dog
- Write
- Retreat to some place where you can think
- I know this sounds corny, but talk about it
- Still corny, but cry into a pillow, or dog. They don't care, they don't talk back.
- Think about things you love
- Make something: sew, cook, knit, crochet, whatever.
- Think
- Eat Cheese and Crackers
- Search your name on the internet
- Read Stories
- Enjoy Life
- Think how bad others have it
- Think about why donuts have holes in them
- Get a blog and write your guts out
- Play on a computer
- Stare into space and zone out
- SLEEP! Naps aren't for babies, their for you!!!
- Try to write a list like this, or memorize this one, it's hard!
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